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Belly of the Beast



Verse 1

I hear life is safer on the

Other side of the wall

We don't want everything

And we work for it all


We don't have a place to stay

We have to go all the way

There are so many roads to take

Or is that just the game you play

For me there's just one way

We have to go all the way


Here we go to the belly of the beast

When we get there

My son can eat

Here we go to the belly of the beast

When we get there

We still can't sleep

Verse 2

We are born to compete

In the same race

Free to be safe

Or is that just

What you believe

The life you lead

I hear my work is valued on the other side




If you had run away to save your family

To a place where you have no voice

If it meant breaking the law

I hope you would

My friend

And I hope you make it

When you can't see

That you've lost it all

Your siblings

God's own children

On the other side of the


You can sleep at night

You just can't imagine

That would be too hard

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